INDO's a Creative Australian POP Street Artist Based in Sydney, Melbourne and the world.
I believe art has the power to change the world, change the hearts and minds of politicians, bring lovers closer & empower people to stand as one.
In this day and age, street art has radically changed the way we perceive art, its widely available, there are no rules, basically anyone can become an artist, the best part is - sharing your art to the world, it’s easier, faster and validated in record time.
As a young rebelious artist based on Sydney’s northern beaches, INDO started as a graffiti Vandal, painting trains, tagging, drawing dicks and basically being destructive.
As his voice dropped and life evolved, his vision on art also changed; This Inspired INDO to Study A bachelor Degree in Graphic Design and Animation; With a new skill set, & a clearer perspective, INDO began experimenting with Stencils, wheat paste and Aerosol Spray Cans.
His life had new meaning, and with this, his art evolved - from destructive to beautiful, dream like and popular.
With humble beginnings as a street artist, INDO started working with councils, governments and corporate giants such as Sony BMG, ING Direct Bank, Satchi and Satchi, The Maritime Union of Australia, Rekorderlig, ANZ, The Rolling Stones Magazine, General Pants, VIVID & Fuel TV.
After Quitting his corporate day job, as a senior creative designer, ( employee #10998987 ) INDO started focusing on his Life purpose, which was to capture visual moments through the medium of art, inspired by the likes of Andy Warhol, Basquait, Banksy and Leonardo Da Vinci. INDO’s been described as a visual story teller that inspires, shares & enriches peoples lives through intelligent art.
Follow his story and see his latest artworks come to life
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